
Easy cheese and tomato frittata | Annabel Karmel's Busy Mum's Cookbook

2019-01-03 86 Dailymotion

Looking for a quick after-school dinner, that can double up as lunch the next day? Annabel Karmel's cheese and tomato frittata with fresh herbs is light and full of flavour. Serve it warm straight away, stash a slice in your child's lunchbox, or pack it up for a picnic with some salad. Sure to become a week-day staple.

Find this recipe and more inside Annabel Karmel's new book; Busy Mum's Cookbook. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Annabel-Karmels-Busy-Mums-Cookbook/dp/1785030884

Cheese and tomato frittata:

Makes 4 portions. Prep: 12 mins Cook: 18-20mins


2 tbsp olive oil
2 small onions, thinly sliced
8 cooked new potatoes, scrubbed and thickly sliced
30g mature cheddar, grated
5 medium eggs
2tbsp whole milk
8 cherry tomatoes
1 tbsp snipped chives
Salt and black pepper


1. Preheat the grill to medium-high and heat the olive oil in a 18-20cm (7-8in) non stick pan over a low heat.

2. Add the onion and saute for about 5 mins until soft. Then add the potatoes, stir and season to taste.

3.In a bowl, add the grated cheese to the eggs and milk, then season and pour into the omelette pan. Cook gently over a medium heat until set around the edges, then loosen the edges of the frittata with a spatula.

3.Arrange the tomatoes, cut side up, on top of the frittata and sprinkle with chives.

4.Place under the grill for about 5 mins, until lightly golden and firm in the middle. Slice into wedges, and serve hot or cold!

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